16 August 2015

VOYAGES // Cho Late Cafe Review.

Today, I will be sharing with you guys my review for a little cafe that I recently discovered called the Cho Late Cafe! I will tell you what I thought about the Cafe; from the cafe itself, the beverage, and of course, the interior design!!

Since the place is a little small, the first thing that you would see when you enter is this; the cashier area, a few sets of tables and chairs, and the pastry glass showcase thingy.

I find the chocolate melting design at the cashier counter so cute and suitable for the place. And I absolutely love how the tables and chairs are a brown chocolatey color, too. 

All in all, I would have to say that I love the chocolate theme! The vibe that it brings to their customers in the future will surely make their visit exhilarating.

As for the beverage that I ordered, which was a white chocolate frappe (incase you were wondering), was absolutely delightful! The drink wasn't too sweet, just the way that I like it. I would definitely recommend ordering yourself this drink if you ever come across this little cafe!

While I was in the cafe, I noticed that there were quite a few wall decorations like these super cute frames. Some frames had pictures and poems, while the other ones had inspirational quotes. I honestly thought that picture frames like these ones are such an amazing way to personalise or decorate your shop!

Anyway, thanks for reading, loves! I hope you liked my first ever blog post. Ti'll next time.


© aesthetic fiasco
Maira Gall